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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

World Regional Geography

Introduces the physical and human geography of the world. Examines the major physical/environmental, cultural, political and economic characteristics of each world region.

Subject Code: GEO

Course Number: 101

Credits: 3

Lecture Hours 3

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Discuss the defining human or physical characteristics of the major world regions.
2. Differentiate the regional and topical approaches within the study of geography.
3. Interpret information from a variety of different maps (online, print).
4. Discuss spatial relationships using geographic concepts (projections, scale, location, density, etc.
5. Apply a variety of interpretive frameworks to the analysis of a particular region (economic, political cultural, physical).
6. Discuss a variety of examples of how physical geography has an impact on the behavior of humans or societies.
7. Analyze environmental issues present in any of the world’s major regions.

Effective Term: Fall 2020

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