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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Engage TurboVote Community College

The SEI office has partnered with Democracy Works to provide the college with Engage TurboVote! TurboVote’s online service provides students, faculty and staff with all the information and materials they need to vote in every election – local, state, and national. Students, faculty and staff can sign up in one place to start the registration process, request an absentee ballot if they want to vote by mail, and subscribe to text and email alerts about deadlines and elections that affect them as voters. Check out our site, register to vote, and vote in all election cycles!

Register to Vote

Voter registration forms are available in the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion (Student Union), Room 115. Due to SUNY’s efforts to take a more ‘green’ approach, there has been a reduction in the number of hard copy voter registration forms printed by the Board of Elections, and large quantities of paper voter registration forms are not available. Students can also click on the following links to download and complete a voter registration form.

English Application Spanish Application

Already Registered to Vote? Verify Your Registration

If you believe you are already registered to vote, click here and complete a search for your voter registration information including your assigned polling location.

Absentee Ballot Application – New York State

Absentee Ballot Application forms are available in the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion (Student Union), Room 115. Due to SUNY’s efforts to take a more ‘green’ approach, there has been a reduction in the number of hard copy absentee ballot application forms printed by the Board of Elections, and large quantities of paper voter registration forms are not available.

If you are registered in another county and will be unable to vote in person on election day, you may file an absentee ballot application (click on links below). You may download and complete an absentee ballot application in either English or Spanish.

English Application Spanish Application

Where to Send Your Absentee Ballot Application

Click on the links below for information on how to vote by absentee ballot and contact information of your county board of elections.

New York State Voter Directions – Voting Using an Absenetee Ballot Application: Absentee Voting

Contact Information – Your County Board of Elections: Contact Information for County Boards of Elections

Contact Us

Please visit the Office of Student Engagement & Inclusion (S115) if you have any questions or email Kelly Starchok, Director of Student Engagement & Inclusion (