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SUNY GCC - Genesee Community College

Horror in Films

Traces our fascination with horror stories and explores certain formulaic horror sequences and images that have become staples of popular culture. Investigates the staying power of horror myths and legends (e.g. Dracula, Jeckyll and Hyde, and Frankenstein). Charts the transformation of real horror into artificial horror in an effort to distinguish between terror and horror. Prerequisite: completion of the Genesee Community College reading proficiency.

Subject Code: CIN

Course Number: 240

Credits: 3

Lecture Hours 3

Course Learning Outcomes:

1. Distinguish horror films from other genres.
2. Discuss the contribution of at least 5 directors within the horror genre.
3. Differentiate between horror and terror.
4. Discuss the way terror and horror are created and resolved.
5. Analyze how key horror films act as indicators of our fears and concerns as a society.

Effective Term: Fall 2020

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