Legal Research and Writing
Uses a law library, performs legal research, analyzes legal problems, and writes a legal memorandum. Locates and uses both primary and secondary legal resources to solve legal problems and to present solutions in the appropriate legal format. Introduces use of databases and the Internet as legal research tools and resources. Prerequisite: PLG 114 or consent of the program director.
Subject Code: PLG
Course Number: 201
Credits: 4
Lecture Hours 4
Course Learning Outcomes:
1. Distinguish between mandatory (binding) and persuasive (non-binding) legal authority.
2. Name and describe the four (4) sources for conducting primary legal research.
3. Identify at least three (3) of the advantages and at least three (3) disadvantages of using primary legal research.
4. Use primary and secondary research resources appropriately.
5. Use an on-line legal database properly for conducting legal research.
6. Update legal research.
7. Cite legal resources properly.
8. Apply the IRAC method to legal cases appropriately.
9. Write a case brief.
10. Analyze a fact pattern for the essential legal issues and questions of law.
11. Prepare essential legal documents.
Effective Term: Fall 2024
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